
Saturday, September 12, 2015


Just in from Krystal!! Amazing...Skinny Fiber is changing lives!
Krystal says..
"30lbs down and feeling better then ever thanks for skinny fiber!
I have been very inactive lately to having 3 kids back to back and being a full time internet marketer I am on the computer a lot. I started taking skinny fiber 4 months ago before the picture on the left was taking in las vegas at the SBC event. I was... actually a little bigger then the first picture but am embarrassed to post. The photo on the right was taken a few days ago and from start date to now I am down 30lbs any many many inches around my stomach and arms. I am starting to notice the difference in my bra as well. This is truly a god sent for me, I am only 26 years old and I do not want to be obese when I get into my 30's. I am taking back my life one day at a time and I can't wait to see what I look like in another 4 months!"
One bottle is 59.99 Buy 2 get one free is 119.99 Buy 3 get three free is 179.99
90 day empty bottle guarantee!!

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