
Friday, September 4, 2015


Drucilla!!! Well done
~ "At the beginning of the year I was at my heaviest weight ever. After my husband's accident the stress of everything had my eating habits at its worse. My weight continued to go up. Going back and forth to the hospital was a chore as I would get tired just walking from the parking lot to the entrance. Then taking care of my husband who is now paralyzed ( lifting,cleaning, changing and so on) on top of taking care of my girls added more stress. I realized I needed to start taking care of myself before I ended up in the bed next to him. I tried to diet but was to hard with my crazy life and I had only lost 5 lbs in 6 months. UNACCEPTABLE!!!
Well at that time a friend of mine had posted something about skinny fiber and I had seen how much weight she lost and was impressed, however was skeptical because I have tried pills before that didn't work or worked and I felt sick or when I stopped taking them I would put the weight right back on..grrrrr right. We have all been there I am sure. Anyway I decided against it at the time. I really didn't have the money to waste. Another month had gone by still no weight loss I had seen my friend again and she looked amazing. She then told me skinny fiber offers a 30 day money back guarantee. So I researched it for a couple more weeks. By this time still had not lost weight aside from the 5 lbs so I decided what the heck.
I lost 10 pounds my first month. I Was so excited! As time progressed I would lose a pound here and inch there. But nothing that I could really notice Until today that is. I stepped on the scale and it said I had lost a total of 26lbs. That is 26lbs gone and is not welcome back!!!!! I also dropped 1 size. I am so thrilled. And although I still have a long way to go before I reach my goal I am so much closer now then I ever was.
Thank you skinny fiber, thank you determination, thank you will power, & thanks to all of you for your motivation and support. ya all!!"
I am always posting awesome stuff!

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