
Thursday, June 18, 2015


#skinny #healthy
This is Anna and this is her story: Long but sooo worth the read!!
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“So I’ve been asked a lot in the last couple of days if I am losing weight/inches while taking Skinny Fiber. While I’m not comfortable enough to do a full body picture to blast on the internet yet, lol, I am comfortable with this, and it definitely shows a difference (those of you that see me on a regular basis can vouch for me! lol). But this is me! The one on the left was taken 2 weeks before I started skinny fiber, and the top on on the right was taken a couple days ago (5 and a half weeks into taking skinny fiber) and the bottom right was taken last week (4 and a half weeks into taking skinny fiber) - and yes, I love that purple striped shirt! haha.
Anyways, for those that didn’t read my personal testimony before when I first posted it, I will share it again:
When I was pregnant with my oldest child, who is now 12, I developed gallbladder disease. I ultimately got gall stones so bad that they got into the opening duct of my liver. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me because they kept saying that I was too young for such (I was 19 and 20 during this time). My mom and my ex can attest to this. I suffered for months in severe, agonizing pain. One month, I was in the ER every single night. Eventually, I was rushed to the ER because I was literally turning yellow, and I was in so much pain that it paralyzed me. My ex and my mom was with me, and my mom point blank told them that we were not leaving that hospital until they figured out what was wrong with me. They finally did the proper CT and dye test with ultrasound and spotted it! They rushed me into emergency surgery, and after the fact the surgeon told me that if they would have waited a couple of more hours, I would be dead. They intended to do laparoscopic surgery, but when the did the small incisions, they had to cut me open even more because they had to scrape out and remove a small part of my liver where the gallstones had attached themselves. As a result of all of this, and the Doctors waiting so long to figure out what was actually wrong with me, I developed some other health problems - the biggest one being thyroid disease. My metabolism was shot! And to make matters worse, I am severely allergic to all of the thyroid medications. My body literally rejects them (we are talking hugging the toilet, head spinning, exorcism projectile vomiting. lol), so I have tried EVERYTHING!
My weight and health has ultimately suffered and my metabolism has been a mute point. I have literally tried everything (that is safe) to try to naturally correct it. I have tried diets, "clean eating”, healthier eating habits, etc… and I have exercised. Zumba has always been my favorite! But NOTHING has helped because my metabolism just does not function properly, if at all. So I kept hearing and seeing not just weight loss success stories, but health success stories as well, from Skinny Fiber. So over the last year I have been doing my research. I started learning about the ingredients because I know “supplements” that claim to be “all natural” but they are not - and believe me when I say that I do not want to put anything into my body that would jeopardize my health anymore then it has been. I am the biggest skeptic there is when it comes to stuff like this because of what I have been through with my health. Anyways, so in doing my research, I found that the 3 different fibers and the 7 different enzymes really do what SBC says they do, and I began talking to and listening to others that have been taking it, that have similar health problems as me.
I can honestly tell you that since taking Skinny Fiber, I have not felt this great in YEARS! No, you do not have to diet while taking Skinny Fiber. I just chose to start eating healthier because it is better for me, and for my family, and I want to set a good example for my children. Not to mention the fact that it is also good for my husband’s health if I cook healthy meals for him! But mind you, I have changed my eating habits in the past, and it didn’t effect me positively. I was still hungry, I still had cravings, and it didn’t do any good because my metabolism wasn’t working right anyways. I started exercising, not to get better results, but to overall feel better about myself. In the past, exercise did nothing for me, so I would just say “what’s the point”. But in the last 3 weeks of taking Skinny Fiber, I can honestly tell you that it has given my metabolism the natural boost that it’s been needing. I really do have more natural energy, and I do feel full now, and I don’t have anymore cravings. In 3 weeks of taking Skinny Fiber, my jeans are literally too big for me - I need to go buy some new ones because I am literally having to pull them up, but I am waiting a little while longer because I don’t have the money to keep buying new ones each week! lol. (Oh, and I have had my thyroid levels checked twice now since being on skinny fiber, and they are finally coming back down to the normal range!) Before, when I’ve done these things, I literally stuck to it for MONTHS at a time and had no results whatsoever. Even when I tried other supplements and natural remedies to help me. I also suffer with PCOS and IBS, and Skinny Fiber has been helping that too!
Some people can lose weight without needing an “aid” to help them just be eating healthy, and some people are able to take medicines to correct their health problems. I am not one of those people, and I know that I am not the only one.
So THAT is how I know that it is the Skinny Fiber that is giving me the the natural boost that my body has needed to get this journey going. And that is WHY I am taking Skinny Fiber. THAT is also why I love sharing it on my facebook and with my friends, because if it helps me, then I know that it will help others (and I know that it has been helping others). Will I take Skinny Fiber for the rest of my life? No, of course not. But I will take it as long as I need to until I reach the results that I want to achieve because then I know I will be able to maintain it.“
Are YOU ready to take the first step to the NEW Healthy YOU??
Order all natural Skinny Fiber today!!

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