Another testimonial!
"I've tried so many migraine medications and nothing works for me. Sure the migraine kinda goes away but I'm left feeling worse.
I was on day 2 of a migraine when Tara said try this. I took 10 drops around 2 pm by 3 my migraine turned into a minor headache I took 10 more drops later than evening and I was feeling way better but by morning I was feeling 100%
Now I take 5-7 drops in the morning and 5 at night before bed.
My husband, Dwayne has been on nortriptyline for 24hr/day migraines which helped the headaches but gave him horrible nightmares all night. We've been on 500mg CBD (20 drops daily) for a month. He just quit taking the nortriptyline a few days ago and so far no headaches and no nightmares. I have horrific migraines, Botox every 10 weeks. Almost daily migraines for years, went through almost twenty different meds, horrible side effects, and was popping abortives way more often than recommended. Hempworx is working for me too! I'm so happy!
I used to get awful migraines 5-6 a week, migraines where your sick, down for the count! I had mri, cat scans, everything no reason for them, I took Tramadol and Topamax for them not much relief. I now use HempWorx 500 mg cbd and have not had a headache since starting 6 months ago."