
Sunday, June 7, 2015


#loseweight #getskinny #thin

INSPIRING Skinny Fiber SUCCESS stories Tammy looks AMAZING!!!
"I know what you're all thinking... "Oh Geez... NOT another before and after from HER " but yes, here's ANOTHER before and after from ME! I can't help it, I am just blown away by my transformation!
I started Skinny Fiber in May 2013 weighing in at 256 Pounds, as of this morning I am down to 185, thats 71 pounds gone FOREVER!
Here's a little bit about me and my health/medical history... I had my thyroid removed in 2011 making weight loss IMPOSSIBLE, making me gain even more actually. I started SF in May 2013 and lost a bunch of inches and about 30 pounds. I have been back and forth to the doctor since my thyroidectomy as I KNEW something wasn't right, SHE suggested I take skinny fiber to help with my health and weight. and it did. but something was still not right, FINALLY in July this year they x-rayed my chest and found I had a Hiatal Hernia (A hernia in my esophogus) and it was cutting off cirrculation to my stomach, so I had surgery in August to have it repaired, at that time they had to remove part of my stomach because it was dead from no blood cirrculating.... since then, the weight has just been falling off!
I LOVE MY SKINNY FIBER! I would NOT have gotten where I am today without it!
Give it a try, see for yourself the difference it will make in your every day life!"
100% all natural, stimulant free. Buy 2 get 1 free, buy 3 get 3 free! 90 day money back guarantee!
Order yours today!

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