
Sunday, June 7, 2015


Meet Electa!! She shares her Skinny Fiber journey so far….
“Hi! My name is Electa, I wanted to share my story with you and if it changes 1 person then it was totally worth it! This is a bit long but I wanted to share!
At age 14 I started seeing myself as “the fat kid” seemed all my friends and family members were small a…nd I was the biggest in the crowd.. I began to make jokes about my weight in hopes to beat someone else from doing it first. When I was 16 I was pushing a size 16-18 and my weight was up and down.. I’d starve myself until I would get back in my pants then eat because someone hurt my feelings about my weight.. so on.. When I was 17 I had finally reached 135 lbs which is what I had wanted for 2 years. Then I got married, after that I got to where I didn’t much care “I had no one to impress” that’s what I told myself anyway.
When I was 19 me and my husband got pregnant we were so excited because we had tried for sooo long.. I was probably my happiest during those 10 long months (yes I said 10).. After that I lost most of the “baby” weight but I was still a size 18-20 at 20 yrs old.
After 13 more years of playing around with it, diets after diets, ups and down, disappointments after disappointments, I found myself a single mom of a 13 year old.. At the time it was the worst place for me to be.. Never wanted it but things happen and here I was.. a whopping size 24/26, single mom, 33 years old and felt fat, ugly, unwanted and borderline depressed.. I fell into a rhythm of working Monday-Friday and drinking on the weekends (I guess to keep from admitting I was lonely, ashamed, and miserable). Finally, after about 2 years of that I quit, I did lose some weight during that time, but not the right way so when the drinking stopped, poof back to a size 20….22… then…
In 2010 I had a car wreck, that by any other means than God himself should have killed me, I hydroplaned and lost control of my 2010 Nissan Versa and rolled it 4-5 times & was thrown from the car about 20 feet or so.. I broke my left leg, 6 ribs in front & 6 ribs in back.. the x-ray looked like broken glass I was so cracked up.. I had road rash from my neck to my ankles. Even the guy that saw it all happen said he was afraid to cross the road because he just knew I didn’t make it. Well after 5-6 weeks of laying flat of my back & then another 3 months of “light duty” I went from a 22…to 24… I refused to buy 26’s so I wore sweat pants and stretchy pants… I was miserable in my own skin!
This went on until Jan of this year 2013, I had joined a group and kept seeing this post about joining a weight loss group… so finally I did.. Then I watched and watched and for 4 weeks I watched and finally when tax money came in I said “Screw it I have nothing to lose, if what she says is true then I should see a huge difference in 6 months”… so I bought the buy 3 get 3.. and on Feb 18, 2013 I started taking Skinny Fiber, the first month I lost like 2” just in my stomach… I was amazed!!! “THIS STUFF WORKS” and I love it!!!
Today is almost 4 full months since I started and I am 39 years old, down 14 lbs, and 23.5” all over my body.. I feel great! I have no more issues with Diverticulitis, I have not been sick with the common cold, sinuses, or any of that junk, I have not had the small aches and pains from wore out body parts, I do not have acid reflux anymore.. however, I do not have a gallbladder so as soon as I over eat heartburn will let me know! I do not feel tired all the time, I no longer take those evening naps after work because I can’t hold my head up (only if I want to, lol), I am learning that I am in control of me and no one else is going to make me take care of me so I might as well! My health is important to me and my 2 main goals are 1) Live a healthier lifestyle and 2) Help others as much as possible.. That is my focus daily!
Thank you God for introducing me to Skinny Fiber (Skinny Body Care) I am on the road to recovery (a work in progress) and I will WIN THE WAR ON WEIGHT & ON LOW SELF ESTEEM!!!”
I am always posting awesome stuff!
┊ ┊ ★Lose Weight Now! —>

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