The picture on the left was taken the day I started taking Skinny fiber last May. I have always been overweight and was bullied and picked on for it. I have never been a confident person and it was like pulling teeth to get my picture taken. My husband snapped the picture on the left while I wasn't expecting it. I am a type 2 diabetic and starting to have problems with my blood pressure. When I started Skinny fiber I was on medications for my health issues. By August of last year I was off all medications and was having my sugar and blood pressure regulated with Skinny fiber. I don't have any new pictures of me standing but look at the pictures on the right. The top one was taken Thanksgiving 2014 with my brother, my face and arm you can tell the difference. The bottom right was taken December 24,2014 as I held my new nephew the day after he was born. Again the face and arms say it all. I didn't take it everyday like I should have November and December as I was stressed and was dealing with the death of my other newborn nephew and my PawPaw in the month of December. I still was losing weight though. I am now taking it every day twice a day like I am suppose to and in the first 21 days of this month already down another 10 pounds. SKINNY FIBER WORKS AND SAVED MY LIFE. I turned 35 yesterday and have never felt better. What are you waiting for? Give your self the gift of health, feeling great and confidence again.
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