
Saturday, April 4, 2015


Amazing Charity Girl you inspire ME! You are doing so AWESOME! My name is Charity and this is my 6 month update. Order your skinny fiber here.
I started skinny fiber in September. I seen this picture of myself from my daughter’s ballgame and was absolutely disgusted. I have always been a bigger girl since 2nd grade. I have been an emotional eater all my life, especially after losing my younger brother to an auto accident. I startedsearching online and reading about all the different products that promise to melt the fat away etc… I came across a link for skinny fiber, and watched the video. Then I watched the you tube video of Courtney. I was in tears and knew this was the product for me. I have been married 19+ years and was way to comfy to care about my health. I have had 2c sections which didn’t help with my appearance. I have a history of lots of female problems which have seem to correct themselves. I was borderline diabetic, high cholesterol. My cholesterol is now perfect, my blood sugar levels are at 70 fasting. For me the hardest part of skinny fiber was drinking the water in the beginning. That quickly changed. I have lost 52lbs and over 75 combined inches. I feel amazing, great sleep, increased energy, lighter times of the month, no more emotional eating and a huge bonus of NO MIGRAINES since starting skinny fiber. I knew after just 2 weeks I wanted to share this product with my friends who struggled with their weight. Don’t hesitate like I did, the the leap! Best money I have ever invested in myself!
Skinny Fiber is an all natural weight loss capsule. Has 3 plant ingredients and digestive enzymes—Glucomannan is an all natural soluble dietary fiber ( nothing like other types of fiber that can cause extreme tummy pain) Caralluma - It is known as a natural appetite suppressant and Cha de Bugre is Brazil’s best kept secret to weight management..
Each month supply is $59.99 but you can get the buy 2 and get a free one for $119.99 or the best one is the 3 bottles and get 3 free for $179.99. Cheaper to go in with a friend and get the free ones. you can order here
loseweight # getthin

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