Friday, November 4, 2016


WOW!!! Shelia's newest pics! Such an amazing, inspiring story!
"Skinny Fiber does work!!. My medical issues have improved, My blood pressure is the lowest it has been since my little girl passed away. My hot flashes have all but disappeared. My migraines are gone. My bones and joints are not as stiff and swollen. My fibro is not screaming 24/7. I am off of 5 of my medications and down on the dosage of 2 more. I have lost 5 sizes in 8 months. I can walk without being out of breath and I have energy. Before, I had no energy at all. I have lost weight and inches, I feel so much better and my pain level has decreased. I don't have to drink shakes or do wraps or "diet" or eat special foods. I haven't even been able to do any exercise, but, lately I have started walking, because I feel like it I take 2 pills, 2 times a day and drink lots of water. I am not starving or hungry all the time. I am more cautious of what I am eating. To tell you the truth....this has been so easy to do. Don't wait."

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