Sunday, November 6, 2016


OMG, Natasha!!! You don't even look like the same person, love!!! And no where NEAR 36!!!! You've done SO amazing!
I began my weight loss journey 11 years ago, I was 25 years old 340 pounds, Unhappy, Overweight. I applied for a gastric Bypass and was denied by my Insurance Company. I knew I had to turn my life around for my 2 girls at the time.
So I did it! I woke up one day and had enough, I started a low carb diet and joined a local gym called curves. A year later I went from a size 26 to a size 14. I got pregnant a few years later with my 3rd child, Gained some weight went back to a size 16. I have managed thru diet to loose the baby weight and went into a 10. I tried numerous diets, pills, shakes everything.
I have now been on Skinny Fiber for almost 3months, Im now a size 8. Within my 1st month I dropped about 10 pounds then the scale stopped. Im happy to say I weighed this week and the scale is dropping again and I have lost almost 40" throughout. The biggest lost has been in my waist, Thighs, Hips and arms. Thank you Skinny Fiber For helping me get over my Plateau.

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