Thursday, October 15, 2015


Tina's progress on her 2nd 90 day challenge!
I am now half with through my 2nd 90 day challenge. I lost some weight on my own and as well as with the help of Skinny Fiber I have been able to get over the hump of being stuck and lost another 30lbs since Oct 2013 and many many inches. I have gone from a size 16 to a loose size 12. I have another 15lbs to go to reach my Bikini body in the next 3 months.
For exercise I walk daily 20 - 30 mins. I eat less carbs such as potatoes and pasta. I don’t crave salty things like potato chips and popcorn like I did before. I may have one small bag of chips during the week. My portion size are smaller as I can’t eat as much as I did before I started skinny fiber!!
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