Thursday, October 15, 2015


MEET GEORGE!! He didn't let that 'pink' cover scare him away!!
~ "This first picture was taken just last December.This is me now but I am still working on my goal. I started taking Skinny Fiber in the middle of April and have lost a total of 26 lbs and still losing. I say slow and steady wins the race. Anyone who knows me is aware of all my medical issues. I take over 16 meds daily which makes it even harder to lose the weight, but... it is still coming off. I have had an open heart surgery, a seven bypass procedure when I was 36. I drove myself to the hospital having a heart attack at the same time. I have all sorts of medical issues. In June of 2013 I had to have surgery for a carotid artery because I was having mini strokes and almost did not pull through. I have tried all sorts of things to lose the weight and never had been able to!
I'm so glad a friend pointed out SBC to me. This is all 100% natural and no side effects except for losing weight!
Order now before 10/15/15 and get a extra FREE bottle (your choice of Skinny Fiber or Ageless!!)
Order here:

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