Thursday, September 3, 2015


Wow, this is Judy!!
"I actually thought that my 90 days was up but it is only 81 but I decided to post anyway. For the first time in eons-I am under 200 pounds-194 to be exact!! I have lost 33 pounds and 27 inches with Skinny Fibers help. I so believe in this product.
Many years ago-my weight was 390 pounds so I had gastric by pass surgery. I got down to about 170 pounds. Then some personal things happened and up I went. On my way again!!! I got up to about 254 and was so embarrassed.
I became kind of quiet and an introvert. I remember going to cross the street one day a and this car full of young guys was driving by and one of them said-LOOK AT THAT WHALE. It was then I decided I would never let myself be hurt like that again. So I started to look on facebook and kept seeing all the great testimonials about Skinny Fiber.
So I continued to watch and then decided to try because of the 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee. I am so happy I did. You see-I am 67 years old and it is not too easy to lose weight for me on my own. Skinny Fiber was the answer. I recommend it to all who have a weight issue.
1 BOTTLE - $59.95 --30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE,,, -- THE B2G1- $119.85 AND B3G3 -- $179.70--90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE plus shipping

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