Thursday, March 26, 2015


#getskinny #healthy
Woo Hoo!! Another 90 Day Challenge Skinny Fiber success story!!
"My name Sophie and this is my 90 day update. Can you believe the difference! I am down by 26 lbs. and 35.5 inches. I am so thankful for my friends that insisted that I try Skinny Fiber. I am dedicated to this product and to the way it makes me feel. I have acid reflux and a hiatal hernia and have not had to take my medicine since I started. I have tried many diets and I am a child of the 60s so not all were legal… (not proud of that). Anyway, I have tried so many different diets and some worked for a little while but most didn’t last. None made me feel as healthy and positive as I do today and I know in my heart I will keep the weight off. I am thankful to this group for the help and motivation.
I could not walk 1/2 a mile and now I am walking 3-4 miles a couple of days a week. I even purchased a Treadmill to help me on cold or rainy days. I can’t believe the energy I have now.”

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