Thursday, March 26, 2015


#skinny #diet #loseweight
Jackie shares how she does it!! WOW!!!
Pictures don’t lie! This is my 90 Day Challenge results! I can’t make this up….seeing is believing! I cleaned out my closet to donate a bunch of clothes that I no longer fit in and found this shirt that I haven’t worn in almost a year…I decided to go through my old pictures and found one from July 4, 2014 and was blown away! So I took a picture of myself earlier today to compare the difference… and here you go! I really don’t like posting ugly pictures of myself, but I post it to hold myself accountable…This goes to show that working out 25 minutes a day, (everyone has 25 minutes!), eating healthier, drinking lots of water, taking Skinny Fiber everyday and staying committed shows results! Skinny Fiber is what catapulted my weight loss. I was stuck at a certain weight and wasn’t losing with just the workout and eating healthy. I was frustrated and ready to give up. Then I was introduced to skinny fiber and like everyone else I started as a skeptic until the inches started melting right off! Needless to say, I am no longer a skeptic.
We all have busy lives and can easily fall off track of staying consistent, God knows I have, I’m not perfect…but we have to commit to ourselves and be an example for our children… So It doesn’t matter if you’re not an expert at working out or eating healthy, my first day of working out I was only able to do 5 min! And I cried… did I want to give up? Yes! but I said to myself, if I can do 5 today, I can do 10 tomorrow… it get’s easier each day. I would never have been able to go through this journey alone without the help and support of my wonderful family! Love you guys!
Start Your 90-Day Challenge Here: 

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