Friday, June 20, 2014


Hi everyone Kimberly here I thought I would share a new update with you all

For those of you who think loosing weight is hard you are right but if you are determined like I am nothing is impossible This has been a long journey with a few health issues that makes my progress a bit slower than some but I am winning!! I have been taking skinny fiber for 13 mths & not always staying true to it.. I will give you that much!! Do I weigh myself ... NEVER!! I measure & go by the way my clothes fit as a matter of fact I even threw my scales out I kid you not as looking at the numbers only made me depressed and less determined to continue .. As ashamed as I feel by telling you all this I went up to a tight 16 could have easily wore an 18 in some things to a nice 10 & even some 8`s .. Do I want to be skinny NO that`s not me I love my curves I want to feel good inside be healthy & not be ashamed of myself when I look in the mirror .. my fatty liver & high enzymes & my high cholesterol amongst other things are screaming with joy since being on Skinny Fiber .. I owe it all to my good friend Brandi for coming into my life when I was so down on myself because nothing else had worked for me ..When your doctors send you home crying you know it`s time to crack down!!! I am a work in progress & I will continue to do so as long as it takes

If you or a family member have struggled with your weight like I have and thousands of other`s why not start today make those changes .You have the choice .. how bad do you want it? Are you Ready?

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