Friday, June 20, 2014


I have had a TON of requests to post this again!!!!

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil. I love this stuff. It truly works. Below are 55 Medicinal Uses

For thousands of years, the derivatives of the Malaleuca Tree have been effective in treating a wide variety of ailments. Here are 55 reasons why you should use it, too!

1. Abrasions & Minor Cuts: After cleaning the area well, apply a few drops of the oil directly. If a bandage is needed, allow a few drops of the oil to penetrate a cotton ball, then lay face down on the wound. Bandage on top.
2. Acne: Add 20 – 40 drops of the oil to your regular face wash. After cleansing, dab each affected area with neat (undiluted) oil and let dry.
3. After Waxing: Make a gel of 5 drops oil to 1 TBS aloe vera gel. Smooth onto area after waxing or shaving.
4. Arthritis: To help reduce pain associated with swelling of arthritis, add 20 drops of tea tree oil to 2 ounces of grapeseed oil. Massage into affected are 2-3 times a day.
5. Asthma: Add a few drops of oil to a pan of water and heat on stove. When cooling, drape a towel over head and breath in for a few minutes.
6. Athletes Foot: Clean feet thoroughly, especially between toes. Add oil directly to feet every two weeks, dusting with corn starch after. Or add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp of grapeseed oil. Massage on feet and between toes.
7. Bad Breath: Rinse with 1 ounce water and 1 drop oil. Do not swallow!
8. Bath For Colds and Aches: Add 10-15 drops of oil to half cup epsom salts, and dissolve in bath.
9. Bladder Infection: In a shallow bath, add 10 – 15 drops of oil. Sit and wash area carefully.
10. Blisters: Wash area carefully, then apply as for cuts and wounds.
11. Boils: Apply a warm washcloth for a few minutes. Then apply a drop or two of oil to the area – the infection should rise to surface and eventually be released.
12. Bronchial Congestion: Use as directed for Asthma. Add 5 – 10 drops to 1 ounce grape seed oil, and massage into chest and throat 2 – 3 times daily.
13. Bruises: After icing, apply oil as directed for Arthritis.
14. Bunions: Massage area with 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp. grapeseed oil.
15. Burns: Run icy cold water on area. After a few minutes, add a mix of 5 drops oil with 1 tsp. raw honey. Repeat 3 – 5 times daily.
16. Calluses & Corns: Massage area with 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp. grapeseed oil. Repeat 2 times daily. Once the corn or calluses have become soft use tweezers to remove, and apply a few drops of tea tree oil and cover with bandage.
17. Canker Sores: Apply a drop or two of oil directly to infected area with a cotton swab, 2 times daily. Also, rinse as directed for bad breath.
18. Carbuncles: Add a drop or two of oil to cotton swab and apply directly to carbuncle. Repeat twice daily.
19. Chapped Lips: Add 1 or 2 drops of oil to lip balm. Apply to lips as necessary.
20. Chicken Pox: Apply a drop of oil directly to blisters. Allow to dry, then dust with corn starch. Repeat every few hours or until blisters disappear.
21. Chigger Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.
22. Cold Sores (Herpes Simplex 1): Apply a drop or two of oil directly to the sore with a cotton swab. Re-apply 2 – 3 times daily.
23. Coughs: Use as directed for bronchial infections. For a vaporizer, add
10 drops to steamer and leave on 5 – 10 minutes.
24. Dandruff: Add 20 – 30 drops oil to any shampoo. Apply a few drops to scalp and massage after washing.
25. Dermatitis: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp grapeseed oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily.
26. Dry Skin: Add 5 drops oil to 1 tbsp sweet almond oil. Massage into skin.
27. Earache and Infection: Add 2 – 3 drops of oil to 2 tbsp warm olive oil. With a dropper, drop a small amount into aching ear, tilting head to one side for a moment. Use cotton swab to absorb oil. Repeat 2 – 3 times daily.
28. Eczema: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp grapeseed oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. Also can be applied undiluted.
29. Emphysema: Use as directed for bronchial infections. For a vaporizer, add 10 drops to steamer and leave on 5 – 10 minutes.
30. Flea Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.
31. Gout: Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp grapeseed oil; massage into affected area 2-3 times a day.
32. Head Lice: Add 20 drops of oil to 2 tbsp shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat 3 – 4 times daily, until eggs are gone.
33. Hives: Add 10 drops of oil to 4 tbsp of witch hazel. Apply with cotton ball.
34. Ingrown Hairs: Add 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to area. Repeat every 2 hours or until signs of infection disappear.
35. Jock Itch: Apply 10 – 15 drops of oil to 2 tbsp grapeseed oil. Apply 2 times daily. Dust with corn starch, to reduce chapping.
36. Laryngitis: Add 5 – 10 drops of oil and pinch of sea salt to 1 cup of warm water, gargle 2-3 times a day. Do not swallow!
37. Mosquito Bites: Apply a drop of oil directly to bites.
38. Mouth Ulcers: Dab ulcer with undiluted oil on cotton swab, every two hours.
39. Muscle Aches and Pains: Add 10-15 drops of oil to half cup epsom salts, and dissolve in bath. Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of grapeseed oil. Massage well.
40. Nail Fungus: Add 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to nail and tissue surroundings. Allow to dry completely on hands before touching anything. Repeat morning and night for a week.
41. Plantar Warts: Apply oil undiluted to affected area 2-3 times daily.
42. Psoriasis: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp grapeseed oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. Also can be applied undiluted.
43. Rheumatism: To help reduce pain associated with rheumatism, add 20 drops of tea tree oil to 2 ounces of grapeseed oil. Massage into affected are 2-3 times a day.
44. Ringworm: Apply a drop or two of oil undiluted, repeat 2 times daily.
45. Scabies: Apply 1 – 2 drops of oil directly to area in the morning and at night.
46. Sciatica: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp grapeseed oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. Also can be applied undiluted.
47. Seborrhea: For skin: Add 10 drops oil to 1 tbsp grapeseed oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat 2-3 times daily. For scalp: Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat 3 – 4 times daily. Bath: Add 10-15 drops of oil to bath.
48. Shingles: Add 10-15 drops of oil to half cup epsom salts, and dissolve in bath. Add 10 drops of oil to 2 tbsp of grapeseed oil. Massage well.
49. Sinusitis: Use as directed for bronchial infections. For a vaporizer, add 10 drops to steamer and leave on 5 – 10 minutes. Also add 2 drops to neti pot.
50. Sore Throat: Add 2 drops of oil to 1 cup of warm water with pinch of sea salt, gargle 2-3 times a day. Do Not Swallow!
51. Stye: Add 5 drops oil to a pan of steaming water. Drape towel overhead and steam 5 minutes. Apply warm compresses directly to stye.
52. Sunburn: Add 10 drops oil to 2 tbsp rosehip seed oil, repeat as often as necessary.
53. Ticks: Apply a drop or two directly to tick and area.
54. Toothbrush Cleaner: Apply oil directly to toothbrush 1-2 times a week to kill bacteria.
55. Warts: Apply undiluted directly to wart. Use morning and night, until wart begins to disappear.



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