Thursday, October 19, 2017


Robin- I've lost at least 10 lbs in 4 weeks and many inches. Not sure where I started as I don't have a scale, but weighed at 120 two weeks ago. I go by inches lost and how I feel! The knee pants I have on,,,,size Little Girls! Tell me this doesn't work!!! I was taking 9 capsules a day of another product and it seemed to have quit working some time ago, even developed a case of severe hives. NOTHING WORKED and was definitely gaining again. Was over 130 and feeling very bloated...fat...There shouldn't have been anything left to me after taking 9 caps a day of another quit working. I've never had that before! SS has seriously made my man take note!! HA! I'm proof positive this Sizzle Slim works and is for real!!! Ask my man,,,he is now calling me a Sizzling 50 Babe!

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