Sunday, February 19, 2017


Shanna Says:
"My name is Shanna and this is my journey. I am 35 and a mother of three.
I’m sitting here shaking because I’m so nervous. I’m putting myself out there and feel so exposed. But I have to share what I have been up to. I know you all have seen me making a lot of changes. Some I talk about more than others. But one of the changes I started I have kept somewhat of a secret. Until now, so here it goes.
I started taking Skinny Fiber back in September. I took it for a month. I didn’t give it enough time and wasn’t being patient enough. So I stopped taking it. So from October to December I tried to watch what I ate and started exercising. But I noticed I wasn’t getting quite the results I wanted. Something was missing. I started taking Skinny Fiber at the first of January. This time I was consistent. I made myself a promise that this wasn’t a New Year’s Resolution. This wasn’t going to be a “diet”. The changes I am making are permanent. I’m a young mother. I’ve been overweight my whole adult life and I’m OVER IT!!! I’m too young to be overweight and not enjoying life because I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. As a mom we sacrifice so much of our self for our family. I’m finally doing something for myself and I’m so glad I did."

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