Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Just in from Colleen she is doing FANTASTIC!! ....
"16 pounds since mid November. 16 pounds doesn't sound like much. But 16 pounds during the holiday season is amazing, Right?
When I first started with SBC I was 30 pounds heavier than I ever was during 4 pregnancies. I swore I'd never hit 200 pounds. I not only hit it, I surpassed it. (Great I finally was good at something... gaining too much weight!)
I couldn't walk up a hill without needing to use my inhaler. I couldn't pass up a carb at any time. And I had horrible hot flashes.
In Mid November I started in Skinny Max. In mid December I added HiBurn8.
I now walk between 5 and 15 miles a week, depending on the weather. I still take my inhaler with me, just in case, but don't use it nearly as much. I shy away from carbs as much as I can. And my hot flashes have decreased so much. If I even have one now, it is very slight in comparison to before SBC. I feel like a new woman.
50 isn't over the hill it's just a bend in the journey."
Try it for 90 days...risk free! Buy 2 get 1 free, buy 3 get 3 free. 90 day, empty bottle, money back guarantee.

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