Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Anne says, Skinny fiber isn't only taken for weight loss ๐Ÿ˜Š! Just ask my sister, Ruth ๐Ÿ˜Š
She writes, "My name is Ruth and I am 65 years old. I have been having hot flashes for approximately fifteen years - to the extent that my quality of life was affected. My doctor finally prescribed a hormone transdermal patch which worked wonderfully. However, three years ago I had three stents put in and could no longer wear the patch because of the danger of blood clots. I immediately went back to the dubious pleasure of these "power surges". I tested many natural remedies, stayed away from caffeine, wine and chocolate, all to no avail.
This past spring, it was suggested to me that I should try the Skinny Fiber pills since some women had found them to be helpful with decreasing the number and intensity of their hot flashes. So I did. I took two pills a day for two months and found they did help. In July I went to Europe for a month and did not take the pills with me, thinking that I could manage without them. I was wrong. Just a few days into the trip, I was right back where I started. Needless to say, I began taking them as soon as I arrived back home. Things are now much more comfortable.
I have not had much trouble with weight control, but, like mostly people, was always conscious about keeping it stable. Since I have been taking the pills (and drinking lots of water), my appetite is less and I eat small meals, frequently. I have lost some weight and that's ok.
My plan is to continue with the pills indefinitely- if these hot flashes have not stopped by this age, I am not sure they ever will!"

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