Saturday, December 3, 2016


Lacrecia Is looking great!!!!
A picture is worth way more than a thousand words!!! I am proof that Skinny Fiber works!!!
Geez!! I was going through some more of my pictures and came across one of our family pictures from 2011. I bout came to tears when I seen my before picture! I know I'm big, but I was also in denial at that time. I didn't realize I was as big as I really was and this picture shows it!! This isn't even my heaviest!! My daughter, in the before picture was only a year and a half then. In the time before the two pictures, alot went on in my life that I ballooned. I had my son and I had just gotten out of a 5 year relationship that really took a toll on me. I was depressed and of course I gained tons of weight!!
I took a picture now. and holy cow look at the difference!!! I'm on Day 55 of my 3rd 90 Day Challenge and this challenge is by far my best!! I have been on Skinny Fiber for just under 8 months!! I'm down a total of 31 lbs and a little over 38 inches total!! I'm sooooo amazed at my transformation!! There's a few years in between these two photos and a great difference in only a few months!!! I'm definitely impressed with Skinny Fiber and it is by far one of the best things I have ever done for myself!!
There are a couple specials-- $59.95 per bottle or Buy 2 get 1 free $119.90 (comes out to $40 per bottle) Buy 3 get 3 free $179.85 (comes out to $30 per bottle) cheaper to go in with a friend and get the free ones. Remember that there is a 30 OR 90 day empty bottle guarantee. So if you buy the deal, you can send back all the bottles with one being open ( can even be empty!) There is a less than 1% return rate on this product. Which means there is a little over a 99% chance that YOU will love it!!!! You can order here!

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