Monday, December 5, 2016


"Hello my name is Angie, and I have been on Skinny Fiber for only 5 weeks now. And I am super excited to share my testimony with all of you. I am a 5 foot person,the weight I had was already a unhealthy weight for my height.My weight got up and I had no idea why. I even changed my way of eating ( vegetarian style) and still I gained weight. And on top i got hot flashes all the time. I was so frustrated and unhappy. Until I found Tara's Facebook page and I watched her for a long time on Facebook. Until one time I finally told my husband to give SF a chance. 5 weeks ago,my starting weight was 129.66 pounds and my today weight is 117.94 pounds. I don't have hot flashes anymore and I feel overall amazing. I am glad I gave Skinny fiber a chance. I am not on a diet,I do eat every 3 hours. I take SF in the morning and evening. I eat less and but Yes I still enjoy ( once in a while) a piece of cake or my favorite gummy bears).

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