Thursday, October 27, 2016


Wow! Savvy looks amazing! This is her story...
"My name is Shaan, but most people know me by my nick name.. Savvy.
This is my testimony. I was always a slender woman who was very conscious about my health, eating right and working out. I had my first son at 20 yrs old. Before pregnancy I weighed 94 lbs ( I'm petite 5' 1") I blew up and ended up a whopping 174 lbs due to gestational diabetes and having to take insulin . It took me about a year to lose the weight. During my 20's I went head first into being healthy, had a personal trainer and stayed between 90 and 95 lbs. my second pregnancy at age 31 I weighed 101 lbs. Once again I blew up because of the diabetes and the need for insulin. At delivery I weighed 179.9 lbs. This time it took me 1 1/2 yrs to lose the weight. Well at 35 I was pregnant again I was adamant with my OB that I WAS NOT going to use insulin. Instead I was on Metformin. After 2 boys I was thrilled to be having a girl!!! But this time my prenatal problems were worse then the other two. I was on bed rest from the moment I found out I was expecting. And had to deliver her 4 1/2 weeks early. And during this pregnancy I only gained 39 lbs I was so happy with that!! BUT GUESS WHAT this was the hardest weight for me to lose. I lost about 15 lbs in the first 3 months... then nothing... then about 3 years later I lost another 5 lbs. I was like okay, I'm older( now 38) I can deal with this. Then this May my mother in law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My husband's rock the reason he is the awesome man he is today. We were told with treatment she could have 18 months to 2 yrs. But it was still sad and taking care of her, loving her listening to her stories.. I gained weight. Well we didn't get that time. Found out May 11, 2013 she passed June 11, 2013 ONE MONTH!!! Yup, I gained more weight. I had been sharing recipes and reading testimonies that my now enroller Christopher posted. I finally said go for it!! took my first 2 Skinny Fiber July 29th and have not looked back!!! Today, October 24th I am 10 lbs down, some may think, that's not much... well how about the inches... I have a flat tummy, my thighs aren't close enough to rub together, my arms don't look like they belong to a past his prime wrestler AND.. I went from a size 10/12 to a very comfortable 6 !!!! All this just by following directions and LISTENING to my body. I will be 40 in March, my daughter just turned 4 and I am happy, confident and have that drive again to stay healthy and help others."
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