Monday, October 24, 2016


Michelle, HAPPY to share her story thus far!!!

~ "Alright........ here I am. This is my 90 days using Skinny Fiber.
I am down 15 pounds and 29.75 inches from all over my body.
Even though THIS IS ME, I still am amazed at how well Skinny Fiber works!
And it's so easy!

I feel amazing! I am able to walk a little over a mile each day with the dog. My nails are stronger and thicker than they have been in years. My skin looks healthier (random people tell me I'm glowing). My fibromyalgia pain and fatigue are greatly reduced and I no longer have issues with IBS. I am able to cope with negative situations much easier. I have only gotten 4 or 5 migraines in the last 90 days; I used to get them nearly every day. My blood pressure is lower and I have a lot more patience. AND I'm happier and have more self-confidence! lol. go figure, right?

And, can I just say........I had no idea I looked that bad to begin with????"

start your 90 day challenge here--

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