Monday, October 31, 2016


AMAZING.... this is long but WOW! A MUST READ! 
Wow check out Heather's amazing weight loss success story!!!
50 pounds gone!!!
Heather shares....
"I can't believe how much weight I had gained, I knew I had to do something drastic for my health, this isn't easy, but if this helps one person gain their life back, like me and become healthier, it is all worth it! I have much more to lose but I am amazed by my results so far!!
I remember as a child always wanting to be a normal size. I have been overweight all of my life. I remember not being able to wear the same clothes as my friends because they didn't make them in my size. The constant teasing, I can still feel the pain now, remembering as a child being teased and made fun of because I was overweight. It crushed me then, but made me a stronger person today.
I have done almost everything in my life to try to lose weight and keep it off except surgery. I tried lots of supplements, some not so healthy, fad diets, starving, counting calories, counting fat, counting carbs, which I prefer, I have a collection of weight loss books. I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds throughout my life. I can tell you how much fat, calories, or carbs are in any food item just from a lifetime of dieting. It has always been a never ending battle. I was always very healthy, never had any major issues.
On November 28, 2008, at 32 years old, I went to the hospital with my ears plugged and my head feeling like it was going to explode. They almost sent me home with antibiotics, I begged them to do more tests, they said I was too young for anything crazy....they finally did a chest x-ray.(My point is, know your body if something doesn't seem right, make the doctors run tests!) They found a mass the size of my fist underneath my sternum crushing my Superior Vena Cava. It took a week for the doctors to figure out how to treat me after a major surgery and plenty of other invasive testing. I had to have emergency Chemotherapy because my neck was swelling and I couldn't breath. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks with several life threatening complications. My kids were 7 and 4, all I could think of was, I have to be here for my kids. I give all the glory to God for the strength that somehow got me through those very dark days. I went through 9 months of Chemotherapy and Radiation treatments, I am healed forever, Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus!!
It was a very long road to recovery and getting back to close to normal. I will be forever changed, but for the better. Since then I was so tired all the time and I kept gaining weight, I knew I needed to do something to get this weight off and change my life, but I couldn't do it. I had zero energy to exercise, I couldn't stay on a diet more than a month without eating something I shouldn't which would just make me gain the weight I lost back, and more.
I accidentally found Skinny Fiber, I joined a group on Facebook, I read testimonies, and everything else I could find. I worked in the medical field for 15 years so I always do all my research and make sure it is healthy to take before ordering, I found that it is, so I ordered it in desperation to lose weight again...thinking the same thing as the last bottle of stuff I ordered that didn't work. I always tried to find something all natural since being sick, it is the most important thing to me when taking something.
I took Skinny Fiber for 3 weeks as directed and always eating low carb, but not too strict. I was eating around 50 grams of carbs a day, which for me is a lot, I usually have to eat less than 20 to actually lose any weight at all, or even just to maintain my weight..yea the worst metabolism!! I lost 19 pounds in the first 3 weeks!! I wasn't even working out that much, maybe a walk 2 times a week back then. I was amazed!!! I knew Skinny Fiber worked!! I couldn't wait to tell the world how awesome Skinny Fiber is!!!!
Since I have been taking Skinny Fiber I noticed I don't have headaches anymore which I have had most of my life, migraines included. I fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. I have had years of sleepless nights and used everything from OTC to prescription medication to sleep. Now I only need about 5 hours of sleep and I feel rested, before Skinny Fiber if I didn't get 8 hours of sleep I was close to useless. I also was on several different anti-anxiety and depression medication after I was sick, for a few years, now I am off everything! I have, in the past, had horrible menstrual cramps and the older I get the worse they get.
Now I have very minimal cramps if any at all!! I also developed dermatitis about 10 years ago, and I was prescribed a steroid ointment to apply twice a day to my hands. Amazingly, since I have been taking Skinny Fiber, I no longer need the steroid, my hands are back to normal!! My adult acne is so much better, you can see in the pictures how my skin has cleared up.
Now since I have been on Skinny Fiber I am in control, I have zero 
cravings, I am full, my portion size is one third of what it used to be, if not less, and I rarely think about eating. I have energy all day and in the evening to exercise. I am happy with the rate that I am losing, I have hit a couple plateaus, I switch things up a bit to get over them and after I always lose a lot of weight, which is awesome!! I am able to eat around 40 carbs a day and some extra here and there and still lose weight!! I workout about 4 times a week. I just feel good all the time! I know the Lord led me to this product not only for my health but for a career! Thank you Jesus and thank you Skinny Body Care!!
I would never have shared my fantastic results if I didn't believe in this product 100%! 50 pounds gone and you can do it too!!"

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