Monday, August 22, 2016


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"Hi my name is Hyacinth and I just wanted to share my story with you. I am 32 years old with 2 children I have always struggled with my weight in a way. You could say it was more of a image problem. I thought I was heavier than I really was.... After my kids I gained a lot of weight I ended up being over 300 pounds. I met the most amazing man in the world and was actually happy for once in my life and decided to exercise in lost 80 pounds naturally. 2 years ago I got really sick and was in a coma and after many months of dealing with health problems they told me I have fibromyalgia. I was put on Lyrica and Cymbalta gained 60 pounds in 4 months. I tried Medi fast, Ideal Protein the lemonade, diet positive changes hypnosis. You name it I've done it. People always say that exercise is good with fibromyalgia but it is a very touchy thing. 1 day of a 20 minute exercise could send me into a flare that would last for days. 1 exercise that I have been able to do that did not cause any flare ups. In December I came across Skinny Fiber and started taking it. I have not had very many flare ups I have gone from maybe 3 flare ups in a week down to maybe 1 or 2 a month. I have also lost between 25 and 30 pounds. I have gone from a size 18-20 pants down to 14.

So we have pictures all over the house and today my son said "mom did u see this?" Me: what now
Son: this picture
Me: what
Son: mom u look so different
I can't believe it.
Me: wow your right

I hope that my story help you in some way. My new motto for life is a let's get healthy together. This product is more than just a supplement it is life changing. Please give it a try you have nothing to lose but WEIGHT!"

100% All Natural Skinny Fiber~Changing Lives! Online Specials and more success stories here.

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