Sunday, August 28, 2016


WOW! Dina Rocked her Skinny Fiber!!
Current SPECIALS and more testimonies HERE
It's time for me to stop hiding. I have been shouting to everyone I know about Skinny Fiber but have not really put myself out there, just to my friends and family.
The picture on the left is at a wedding in May 2013, I had just started my first bottle of Skinny Fiber and was not yet losing. Th...e smile on my face does not show how I felt inside, I was MISERABLE! It was a warm day in May and I am hiding under layers wearing a stretchy dress. The picture on the right was taken at another wedding in January 2014. The smile on my face portrays the HAPPY girl I am becoming! It was a not so warm day in January and I am thrilled to take off the coat I was wearing to show off how good I look, in sky high heels I haven't worn in years. If you are heavy, you know heels just don't work, well I danced and wore those heels all night long and danced some more!
I have lost 23 pounds and am working on the next 23. I have low thyroid, so the weight is coming off slow, but I am alright with that as long as it is coming off. Slow and steady wins the race. I am Skinny Fiber for life!
Skinny Fiber works! Money back guaranteed!!
Current SPECIALS and more testimonies HERE-->

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