Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Here is my friend Victoria H

Here's an update of myself...I pampered myself yesterday to a makeover at Dillard's 

Sometimes the hardest part of making a big change is getting motivated… I've been using Skinny Fiber since September 2012 with (hardly any exercise) occasional walk & a few ab crunches, arm & leg lifts that I do at least 3 x’s a week...… I have lost 35 pounds plus more inches & NO I am NOT even done yet…May not sound much but remember that’s with hardly any exercises....Well....Today I’m EXCITED to say that I have joined a local gym with a friend of mine .. I’m so EXCITED even more now because I know with the previous weight that I have lost it’s helped me regain my confidence back.. I take a total 6 caps of Skinny Fiber a day, three before lunch & three before dinner.. I drink 120 ounces of water every day.. It keeps me from mid-day snacking.. For me, the product is so effective that it also keeps me fuller longer...

The key was slowly making changes in the way I ate, which eventually led to permanent habits...For the first time in my life, I was truly eating a well~balanced diet including fruits & veggies... Plus, I never once felt deprived... I am THRILLED with the decrease in food cravings & loss of my ravenous hunger…(I don't think about food the way I used to ~ its awesome!)
I also started to eat only when I was hungry & stop when I was full…
In order to change your life, you have to change your habits, which means fully committing to a new healthy lifestyle… Stop making excuses!!
Focus on baby steps... If you try to make huge changes in multiple areas all at once, you’ll burn out & feel defeated... It makes the whole process much less overwhelming!

“My husband & I were looking through some of our wedding photos when we got married & He says to me, "Babe, Oh my look at how much you've changed" And I said Ohh my “YES”.. Couldn’t believe how I‘ve let myself get out of control in weight…But because of his support & the support from others I started my weight loss journey...
I am determined to be at my goal weight by New Years... I’ve made the same resolution year after year & I am just done with it! It's close to 5 months away, but I know I'll make it…

I Thank God for Skinny Fiber!!

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