Saturday, July 9, 2016


WOW Kim - so beautiful
my Story****
Here you go~~~~~
My weight loss journey has truly been a journey. I have tried everything under the sun to lose weight. I have lost weight and then I gained it right back. Kind of like releasing a YO YO and it coming right back. I am a diabetic and the Doctor told me that if I did not lose the weight that I would likely have to be put on INSULIN. My diabetes was out of control. I knew I needed to lose the weight and get that under control . I had watched my friends use the product for a year and I really wanted to try but was afraid it was one of those products that would just take me through that YO YO effect. Well after watching them, liking their pictures, commenting on their progress I decided it was time for me to give Skinny Fiber a TRY. I have tried everything else so why not!! Well I tried Skinny Fiber and I joined the 90 Day Challenge April 2012. 60 days later I had lost 30 lbs. That was without Diet and Exercise. So I decided if I changed my Lifestyle of eating habits like portions and certain foods, and add some exercise possibly that would aid in my weight loss. The picture in the middle was taken November 2012. I was on my way to my College Homecoming. It truly was a boost of my confidence to go back and look and feel the way I did and see Colleagues I had not seen in years. By November 2012 I had lost 77 lbs and lots of inches from a size 24 to a size 12. At that time I wanted to see if I would be able to keep the weight off so I stopped completely taking the skinny fiber for a total of 8 months and was able to keep the weight off. Skinny Fiber is more than a Weight Loss Supplement it helps prepare your body for the weight loss and it conditions your body and mind to eat the right portions. It gave me mad ENERGY AND THAT HELPS BECAUSE I WAS DIAGNOSED EXTREMELY ANEMIC . I recently started another 90 Day Challenge in July 2013 and I have lost an additional 17 lbs and lots of inches and I can now fit a size 10. The picture to the Right is most recent. My waist is shrinking and I LOVE THE NEW ME!!! TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS RELEASED 94 LBS AND COUNTING. I am going to begin another 90 day challenge I still have about 20 more pounds to lose to get to my idea weight. My diabetes are under control and I have more energy than ever. Come Join me on this Journey to BEAT OBESITY and from being OVERWEIGHT!!! You can do it!!! The best thing out side of me losing the weight that has come out of this I am able to HELP OTHER PEOPLE REACH THEIR WEIGHT LOSS GOAL by EMPOWERING THEM, ENCOURAGING THEM, COACHING THEM, I AM VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I KNOW THE STRUGGLES. JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN DO IT AND 1% DOUBT YOU ARE OUT. That is why you surround yourself with the support you need to lose it. I will be with you every step of the way.
Love Always Kim
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