Friday, June 24, 2016


Woo Hooo!! This is Christen, her doctor even lowered her thyroid meds too!! So happy for her!
Start your Journey to Healthier New YOU Here
Christen says..
"I was always the skinny one. Until having my 4th child via a C-section in 2007, I developed a post-op infection. Long story short,I was hospitalized & given multiple IV antibiotics, 2 blood transfusions, blood clots, fluid on my lungs, damage to my liver, & a partial hysterectomy. In 2008, My ovaries, appendix, tonsils, & 2 cervical lymph nodes removed. From... the surgeries, I was left with large abdominal hernias that had to be repaired. I took steroids, couldn’t exercise, & ate whatever made me feel well. Recovery was slow, difficult, & I gained A LOT of weight! I was not comfortable in my own body. When I heard someone talk about me & say “Wow! She really got fat!” I cried & cried! I avoided people I knew. A friend of mine introduced me to Skinny Fiber. I watched her progress & positive results,I was still skeptical. I had tried so many products. Finally, I gave Skinny Fiber a try! With the empty bottle money back guarantee, I had nothing to lose, but pounds!! Since taking SF I have went from size 16 pants to size 9/10! I take maint. meds including a thyroid pill & a hormone replacement. SF has not affected any of my meds! My thyroid pill was recently lowered for the 1st time ever! I had a liver biopsy in Jan. & for the 1st time since 2007, I had positive results. I am so excited about the way SF & weight loss has changed my life. With SF, I am on the road to recovery, weight loss, improved health, & happiness! SF did not work quickly for me. I only lost a few pounds the first month. I was really discouraged. I am thrilled that I stuck it out! I believe that people should try it a min. 90 days for this reason. I was one of those people that lost inches before pounds. Skinny Fiber is a part of my daily routine now and for life!!!"

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