Saturday, May 14, 2016


#diet This is my friend Sandi, I’m so proud of her!!!! You can do this too! Start here > My Story… For those of you that know me, you know I usually wear very loose shirts, that was to hide what you see in the before photo. I have tried prescription diets, over the counter supplements, weight loss shakes, Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher’s…in fact I had been on Weight Watcher’s for 4 month’s before I tried Skinny Fiber…only lost 3 lb’s!! I read all the testimonies, read about all the people losing weight & inches with the products and saw all the before & after photo’s, I followed Facebook daily for 3 month’s before I decided to order my 1st bottle. I was so tired of counting point’s, not being able to eat what I like, taking prescription drugs that were destroying my body. So , I made a commitment to myself that I would give it 1 month, I would take it as directed, I would drink the recommended amount of water every day for that month, If I didn’t notice any weight or inches lost…Well, at least I tried. I weighed and measured & took the before photo….I did not go near the scales or measure for exactly 1 month. After 2 weeks I noticed my clothes were a lot more comfortable, things were starting to be really loose on me, still I did not weigh myself. When the month was up.. ……..I had lost 6 lbs….also lost a total of 15 ¾ inches. I was totally shocked !!! Needless to say…I quickly ordered 2 more bottle…LOL I have been on Skinny Body Care supplements 9 month’s… 31.9 lb’s & 37 inches GONE !!! No side effects, no counting points, weighing food, counting calories, no depriving myself of the foods I love and no exercising… You can clearly see my results. I will never be without Skinny Fiber… I feel healthier than I have in 20+years. I am 59 years old and a good friend of mine (whom I got started on Skinny Fiber…Gave her a bottle for her Birthday) told me I look 35, that I GLOW…That’s why she wants to try it…. not sure about the “35"part….but hey anything is better than "59” If you’ve been “thinking” about trying this…. all I can say is stop Thinking about it !!! BUY ALL NATURALWWW.MJWRECSICS.TRYSBMAX.COM

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