Monday, May 30, 2016


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Just got this testimonial from Lorinda:

"OMGosh! Skinny Fiber is really working here. I have not been able to tell by the mirror. So this morning I decided to get my Skinny clothes on and take another. Still couldn't tell. Hmmm "Maybe this isn't enough time to do a comparison photo", I think.
Then I put them together and side by side I could really tell there are changes being made! I am so happy I am sitting here with tears as I type this up!!!
For anyone that is wondering if you should do this... Yes, absolutely! Don't wait any longer. After all, the only thing you have to lose is weight. You are on a tight budget? Perhaps so. However, just think of the happiness you will find when you, yourself, start seeing the difference. We couldn't really afford this either. However, my hubby said just do it! So we are just doing it and I am so glad we did!!!
I am not able to do any exercising. I do well enough to stand and walk a bit around our home. In a wheel chair when we go any where. So this is all just from SF and eating healthier. "
June 4th 2013 173
June 20th 2013 169
Muffin top be gone heehee

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