Friday, May 6, 2016


This is Dan and his results so far with Skinny Body MAX!! Ready yet? More info and to place your order go here--
"33 days into my Skinny Body MAX 90-day challenge... And I am down 13 pounds and counting!
I Don't feel any different than I did oh and I take 4capsules twice a day which is recommended for maximum results... which I am getting.
I use my my Dumbbells for about 2 minutes a day Monday to Friday...relax on the weekends...and I eat mostly healthy foods like steak and fried peppers onions mushrooms, vegetables, chicken nuggets poutine eggs cheese olives salads smoked meats etc...pistachios a bit a day. I cut back on bread but still love toasted raisin bread with breakfast and oatmeal and fresh or frozen berries and fruit. Lasagna, pizza and I did have a little doughnut and a sundae but that's rare for me.
I love food and I use portion control with things I know are high in sugar. And I take my product. If you want RESULTS just do what I'm doing!" ~Dan

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