Saturday, May 14, 2016


Cut bananas into 2" sections. Hollow out the top half (I used a tiny knife and measuring spoon, everything else was causing the bananas to break).
Fill the hollowed half with creamy peanut butter using a pastry decorator/frosting dispenser.
Then, dip the bottom have in melted chocolate and sprinkle crushed nuts on.
Place in the fridge for 5-10 minutes for chocolate to harden, or until ready to serve.
*Try putting the bananas in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes, this may keep them from breaking up when hollowing them out.
*Other filling options: chocolate (any flavor), jelly/jam, etc.
*Sprinkle on chocolate or rainbow "Jimmies" , mini m&ms, crushed candy of any sort, etc
Get creative and enjoy!
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