Sunday, April 10, 2016


WOWZERS!!! Check out the SMOKIN' HOT Tammy!!!! She is now down 105 pounds!!
For more info go here:
This is Tammy's testimony when she reached the 100 pound lost milestone....
"I DID IT! I REACHED MY FIRST MAJOR GOAL! 100 POUNDS GONE FOREVER BABY! this is what a 100 pound difference looks like (first pic i was 256 lbs, second pic i am 156 lbs) SOOOOO PROUD of how far I have come. it has NOT been easy, but it HAS been worth it. I have been through a lot the past 4 years with my health, but 2 years ago I made a choice to get healthy.... it wasn't a quick loss, but it was steady.... I LOVE the new me! so much energy! So happy with ME! and healthier then I have been in a LONG time! SKINNY FIBER ROCKS!"

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