Monday, April 11, 2016


Have Trouble Sleeping? Need to lose weight? Have you Checked out Hiburn8?
This just in from my friend Jacqueline
I am on Day 7 of taking HiBurn8 - I suffer from horrible insomnia and I have since I was 6 or 7! These last 7 days has literally been the best sleep of my life! If I take it like recommend 2 or 3 hrs before bed time I wouldn't make it 30 minutes into it. So I literally take it right before laying down. I usually wake up about 3a and can't get back to sleep but haven't woke up at that time for honestly a full week! I am also one of those that wakes up with a slice of cheese or a pop tart in hand bc I sleep eat - haven't done that either!!! I am under a lot of stress lately and I really wake up refreshed and ready to conquer my day heart heart emoticon HiBurn8 is AHHHHMAZING! Oh yeah best part -- I was so excited about SLEEPING THAT I FORGOT TO MENTION I AM DOWN 8 LBS AS WELL

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