Saturday, April 2, 2016


TAKE A LOOK AT E'Dee and her FABULOUS weight loss story!
"This is one of the toughest things I have done but I want to share this, I would like to share my weight loss Journey. In August of 2012 I had hit my heaviest weight ever at 220 lbs, I was very unhappy with the person I had become. I hated looking at myself in the mirror because when I did I didn't know the person looking back at me. I had many different struggles going on in my life that lead to a lot of stress that lead to overeating, and being so depressed that all I did was lay in bed, and eat to try and make myself feel better, (it however did not) I had no desire to do anything. The things I loved to do didn't matter to me, nothing mattered. Then one day In August 2012, I had a childhood friend come to visit, I had not seen her in years. I had known that she to had struggled with some weight issues as well. I was so surprised to see how well she was doing and to see the transformation she had made in her weight loss. Her and I sat and chatted for a bit and I asked her how she lost her weigh, as I had tried so many over the counter diet pills and nothing worked. I felt defeated each time I tried something, I spent countless of hundreds of dollars of diet pills. This is when she introduced me to Skinny Fiber. I have since lost 50 lbs and 64", I went from wearing a size 16/18 pants to a size 8, and wearing XL/XXL to wearing a L. I feel so much better, I am no longer taking high blood pressure medicine and I no longer have to take diabetic medication as well. I Finally have my life back."

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