Sunday, April 17, 2016


It's hard to believe that the photo on the left was me in Oct 2012 at my son's wedding. Compared to the photo on the right taking not to long ago.
My journey started in 2013 when I came across some testimonies for SF. I decided after months of watching to give it a shot. Lord knows nothing else was working. My health was a mess. Since it was all natural that is what made me decide to go for it.
I was amazed at how much better I began to feel. Within 90days I was down 20lbs and inches. I decided OMG I have to let others know about this amazing product. So I decided to Earn while I burn. Yes, if I was going to be a customer I could also help others by example. By showing them that, not all products are the same. SF is not like anything you've ever taken. It's better. I'm living proof along with thousands of others on their journey.
Fast forward to 2016 and BAM!!! I'm down 78lbs with SF. I started SFMAX and our Hiburn8 and down another 16 lbs for a total of 94lbs.
I'm enjoying my life again. I'm helping others regain their life again and I'm blessed to be apart of SBC and doing something I love, helping others.
When your ready I will be here to help you to!
I love the new me and you will to. Stop procrastinating, You deserve to live the best life possible. With our Mix & Match on our packages and our 90Day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your LIFe!!
Get started here

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