Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Check out Christine!
She says:
"Here are the latest progress shots from me .Hello everyone I am Christine and I've been with Skinny fiber since Nov 13. On the left you will find my before pic which was taken before Skinny fiber Oct 13 I was in Mexico on Vacation. I was 180 lbs and not happy .
The pic on the right was New Years Eve Dec 31/13 I was down 20 lbs and 4 inches most recently I was weighed at the gym and I am now 150 still a ways to go but I am happier and healthier building a business that will help others. Thank you Skinny Fiber, you've changed my life! I am living proof that this works what are you waiting for??? You have NOTHING to lose but weight."
Way to go Christine!!!! You are beautiful!!!
Get your Skinny on with Skinny Fiber! 100% natural, No Wraps, No shakes, No fake food, No Hormones!

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