Friday, March 25, 2016


Our son was "Rock Star" last week and I had to find some family pictures.
Well I found those wonderful same green pants when they were brand new (top right side of collage) and they are SNUG!
When I seen that picture, I was in shock...and sat, stared, and cried.
I couldn't believe I was "That person" once upon a time. Then I look at How far I have come!!!
I started this Journey with Skinny Fiber and lost 4 pant sizes. Then Skinny Body Care came out with Skinny Body Max and I lost another 22 pounds in 6 weeks and 2 pants sizes!
How can it get any better? Oh Yes it can! Then HiBurn8 the night time formula came out. Helps you lose weight while you sleep.
I had gotten hurt at work..and hadn't slept in 11 months. My HiBurn8 came and the first night I took it, was the BEST sleep I have gotten in 11 MONTHS!
My Health has improved. I am no longer at Risk for Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol! I have Energy and I can actually play with my son!
I could Choose Medication and Co-pays = $100 a month plus! I choose a Natural Supplement and Good Health! I'm a Winner and you can be too!
Start your Journey today!

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