Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Another Skinny Fiber $1,000 winner. So cool! So many people don't want to share their weight loss and such, which I totally get. But those who do have a chance to win $1,000-like this lady Plus, everyone gets the T Shirt-- when you log in and track your progress!! 

"Chandra says......... So many of you have been asking me for an updated photo. I took one yesterday and here it is! I am down over 60 pounds and over 60 inches all around. Thanks SF for giving me my life back! Are you still on the fence? Get off of it, join us and get your life back too
Perfect day to start a 90 Day Challenge."

Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No Stimulants, gluten free, organic, feel full and eat less while pumping your body full of the healthy enzymes you need to survive!

Get Healthy with Skinny Fiber:

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