Friday, March 18, 2016


#loseweight Here is Becky …WOW!!! 10 ANGRY INCHES – GONE FOREVER!!! Ready for a new you? Place your order Today > “Hi, my name is Becky and I want to share my awesome experience with Skinny Fiber! The first photo was taken on August 3, and the second photo was taken today, September 25. When the photo was taken in AugustI was not happy with the way I felt, or looked. I can now say, I feel so much better and I am becoming happier with the way I look. I have struggled with my weight since my teenage years, which was partly due to PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) at that time. Through the years I have gone on fad diets, taken diet pills (over the counter & prescription), tried TOPS, Weight Watchers, and other weight loss groups. The bottom line, I had temporary success with some of my attempts, but always gained the weight back and more. My biggest down falls have been homemade desserts, starchy comfort foods and emotional eating. Not to mention my latest loves: Snickers, Cokes and Blizzards!! Several months ago I started noticing people talking about Skinny Fiber online. The more I read, the better it sounded & the success stories are amazing! One of the things that attracted me to Skinny Fiber is the fact it’s all natural, no chemicals or stimulants to make me jittery. I started taking it on June 24 and within the first week I lost ½ inch from my waist! I took the Skinny Fiber faithfully twice a day for 1 month. I became very busy helping to prepare for my stepson’s wedding and I stopped taking it on a regular basis for about 3 weeks, but did not gain any weight during that time! I have been taking it correctly since August 11 (the wedding was August 10) ha ha! I am pleased to say that Skinny Fiber has taken away my cravings for sweets, and if I do eat them I don’t enjoy them like I did before. It helps make me feel full when I take it before lunch & dinner, so I don’t eat as much. I have more energy and am sleeping better. I have also noticed it has helped with my depression and anxiety. Two years ago I had 2 hip replacements on the same hip and have suffered from residual hip and thigh pain. I have noticed since using Skinny Fiber my hip pain is almost gone! I am also drinking lots more water, starting to crave it now! God is helping me through this, for me, prayer is key. By the way, last but not least, I have lost 14 lbs. and 10 ½ inches so far! I am a slow loser, but losing slowly is ok with me…beats gaining!! As most of my friends know, I spend a lot of time on my computer; I have lost the weight and inches without any exercise. Since I have so much more energy, I have become more active. I am anxious to see how much more I can lose with exercise!! One thing I want to stress, the measuring tape shows more progress than the scales; inches definitely matter!” Message Michele with your questions, here is my website for more info and to place an order as well, one bottle lasts 30 days, 90 day money back guarantee on the packages >

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