Monday, February 22, 2016


My Name is Heather, I’m 31 year’s old... I weighted 378 pounds, and I was not happy... I was sad, depressed, not confident.. I couldn’t walk without being out of breath... Something had to change... I found Atkins and the pounds started coming off... I stopped drinking soda, stopped eating pasta, stopped eating breads, and candy etc... I lost 150 pounds... the lowest I got was 227.. Kept it there..

In 2010 my mother passed away, I lost myself in food again. I didn’t care what I ate, or didn’t eat.. I just didn’t care about myself anymore.. This went on from October 2010 until July 2011.. I knew I was going to end up at 378 again if not more....

I started back up on Atkins AGAIN, and I started leslie Sanson dvd’s .. Walk it out on the wii, I just took it day by day... and I lost 195 .... I was weighing between 184 and 193 for 2-3 months.. And no matter what I tried, or didn’t try didn’t matter.. I was still the same weight...

My friends were on something called Skinny fiber, and I saw their results, and I was like, what, really? What can it hurt to give it a try? Nothing.. I could lose nothing but weight. So I bought a bottle.. In my first 2 days I lost 4 pounds.. And I was thinking?! What.. No way wow... I tried it a few more days, by 13 days, I had lost 14 pounds... yeap that’s right! .. So I started selling Skinny Fiber... & the rest well it’s not written yet still working on losing the rest of my weight! But 4 weeks on Skinny Fiber & I am down 22 pounds, not sure about my inches I haven’t checked yet... but from my before & after pictures you can see, I”VE LOST A LOT!!! in just 4 weeks!!!!!

So for a total weight loss of 202-205 pounds 195 with Atkins and working out 6 days a week.. And 22 pounds with Atkins, & skinny fiber, not working out the past 4 weeks...

Start your own journey here...

Get your Skinny on with Skinny Fiber! 100% natural, No Wraps, No shakes, No fake food, No Hormones!


There are a couple specials-- $59.95 per bottle or Buy 2 get 1 free $119.90 (comes out to $40 per bottle) Buy 3 get 3 free $179.85 (comes out to $30 per bottle) cheaper to go in with a friend and get the free ones. You will love it- you can order here--

Get your Skinny on with Skinny Fiber! 100% natural, No Wraps, No shakes, No fake food, No Hormones!

Follow me @

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