Sunday, January 3, 2016


Husband and wife teams stand a greater chance of success than if they go alone! Do you know that the average person, who decides to take on a weight loss journey, tells no one? It's True!
Meet Suzanne and her husband, Kendall!
"I have struggled with my weight most of my life. Thirteen years ago I joined Weight Watchers and lost a large amount of weight. I'd been successful in maintaining that loss until the last few years. I hadn't gained the majority of my weight back but had been seeing the weight creeping on again.
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and then this Summer I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease( an auto/immune hypothyroid disease). I knew I would only gain more if I didn't do something. Extra weight makes the RA worse so that was also a huge concern.
I'd been seeing lots of posts on FB about Skinny Fiber. I followed several people on FB and I started believing maybe this could work for me. I started on Labor Day and after my 90 Day Challenge I have lost 30 pounds.
Skinny Fiber is an all natural fiber supplement that when taken with water expands up to 50 times its size. It helps you eat less but the most helpful thing for me is it took away all my cravings for sugar and carbs. Skinny Fiber also has digestive enzymes that help you process the food you eat better.
My hubby has also had great success with this product and he is down 30 pounds as well"!

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