Thursday, December 31, 2015


This is one of our teammates. She is doing great both weight loss and business. Chantal wants to share this with everyone:
"There are weeks when I feel like this isn't working and I'm getting nowhere. But I just keep going. I take my Skinny Fiber and drink my water, but really I feel like quitting. I feel like giving up on my weight loss and on my business. In fact, that is why it has been 3 weeks since my last update. I felt like my progress had stopped. Then the reminders of why I carry on flood in...
Yesterday I tried on an old pair of jeans and they fit. Then today Laila brings me the mail and I get my gold certificate and pin. Then I remember *why* I "keep calm and carry on." Because it IS working. I AM making progress, even if it isn't happening overnight. Because when I was off of work unpaid, this "job" gave me the ability to still pay my bills. Because I get messages from people *thanking me* for inspiring *them*! Because I am part of a team and any time I need help, they are there for me and when they ask me for help, I want to be there for them to. Because in this before picture those shorts are a very tight size 14, and in this 10-week update those jeans are a size 10! THOSE are the reasons is why I carry on!
I am also helping others reach their goals and stay motivated. I love this product, this company, my team, and my wellness group. That's what keeps me going. Anyone who is thinking of joining us should! Order Skinny Fiber and start your own 90-day challenge, or become a distributor - it could change your life in more ways than you know!"
THANK YOU FOR LIKING AND SHARING THIS PAGE. I APPRECIATE IT VERY MUCH!!! To Place Your Order Go Here:Click this link to watch a short video to learn more and/or order your Skinny Fiber today!

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