Sunday, November 29, 2015


I started my work in progress about one year ago. When I started I honestly felt I was never going to be successful for no matter what I tried or used it did not work. After following stories of before and after pictures of SF; I felt ok why not lets see if I can not be the 1% of returns. As you can see I was not! I finally found a product that worked for me seeing a change in myself.
When I was on day one I was on several medications for GERD; migraines; fibromyalgia; pain medications and brain injury just to be able to make it through a day. I took naps while my children where in school so when they came home I could do homework and make dinner. Today I am only on two medications for a brain injury. I have given up my naps and enjoy life today.
To me SF not only helped me get healthier it gave me my life back!! I now go out; exercise; do things with our sons. I enjoy being me today. My smiles today are real they are no longer fake smiles. My only regret was following for as long as I did. Do not make my mistake jump off the fence start now!!!

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