Sunday, November 29, 2015


So proud of my friend Amanda!! THIS IS HER PROGRESS AFTER ONLY 3 1/2 WEEKS!!!!
Amanda says....
"Hey ya'll! Today is a BIG day for me... As I was looking at my starting picture from Oct. 5th, and the one I took this morning ( messy hair in both because it was 3 am lol) I am starting to see a different person.
For years I have been up and down on this thing we call the weight loss rollercoaster.. when I found skinny body care in 2012 my life changed! I lost 80 pounds.. I felt amazing and everything was great. Well a few months ago, I struggled very seriously with depression and anxiety panic attacks daily... I was very very depressed, I ended up gaining back 40 extra pounds on top of the pregnancy weight I didn't lose all of with my last child Brayden 18 months.
4 weeks ago, I was with my daughter at her dance comp.. sitting by myself trying not to be seen by anyone... I was embarrassed of the way I looked... When the dance comp was over we had to tackle this HUGE hill straight up.. I got about 20 steps in and had to stop... my daughter was telling me to come on but I couldn't.. and that is when it all clicked.. For years I have made excuses why I can't lose any more weight or to just settle for the way I look... I CANT do that. I have to be HEALTHY and FIT for my 4 children!
3 1/2 weeks ago I RESTARTED taking it consistently, and going to the gym every day at 4 am. It hasn't been easy but below in my pictures I believe you can see a difference.. This is the hardest thing to me to bare my body to the world, but if it helps just one person who is struggling like I have for years then I am at peace!
This is a life changer and I am proof it WORKS. If you all need any tips or info let us know.. LOVE you all!!!
Please if you don't have anything nice to say just keep it to yourself.. this is EXTREMELY hard for me.. BUT I am doing it to help others! If you want to inspire someone feel free to share, but PLEASE no negativity!! Thanks to this company for a product that TRULY WORKS and for the continued support and inspiration!
CAN you believe this is only 3 1/2 weeks progress!!! I am mind blown!"

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