Friday, October 23, 2015


"Good morning!! I thought I would share with you all my 6 month update on my Skinny Fiber Journey!! : )

Down a total of -21.2 lbs as of this morning! 189.2lbs!!! Woohoooo!! For a grand total of -49.2lbs!! (lost 28lbs previously with WW from November 2011- January 2013)...Started taking Skinny Fiber April 17th 2013 at 210.4 lbs.

I struggled for about a month and a half this summer, got off track a bit, wasn't consistent taking my SF...but I was able to maintain the weight I had previously lost, which was awesome! I haven't incorporated a regular exercise routine as of yet (I'm trying!! Certainly my biggest challenge!! lol), which had I done so, I may have been further along with my progress to date. But all considering, I am extremely pleased with my results so far!!

I feel GREAT! This is the LOWEST weight I have ever been in 14 years!!!! I can't believe it...I'm that much closer to my personal feels "real" AND "realistic"!!! I've never been so optimistic about getting healthy as I have been these past 6 months...and even more now...getting so much closer!!! : )

The blue shirt is actually a new a "regular size" LARGE!!!! Went from a 2x & 1x shirt size to a REGULAR LARGE!!! My confidence is certainly starting to "soar"!! I feel so much better about myself, and loving my curves! I'm still "under construction" but I'm getting there! I'm even starting to see my collar bone and hips!! Love it!!! I am SO GRATEFUL I gave Skinny Fiber a chance!!! (took me 2 months before I decided to try it!!! Super happy I did!!!! NO REGRETS from THIS GIRL!!) "

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