Sunday, October 25, 2015


Hi everyone. My name is Cora and this is my story. I have been "the big girl" all my life. It was hard growing up with that title attached to me. I was shy and barely spoke. It has been like that for most of my life. Then I started with the health issues. Heart attack at age 48, developed type 2 diabetes at 56.I have had high blood pressure and high cholesterol and suffer from depression for many years. I also have COPD ( Chronic Obtrusive Pulmonary Disease) and i use 2 different inhalers daily. All of this has caused me to eat whatever was in my sight and I used to drink 2L of Pepsi daily. The weight piled on over many years. I was 223lbs at my heaviest in Nov 2014. That was when a wonderful friend told me about Skinny Fiber. I had tried many weight loss products over the years but nothing was permanent. My friend told me all about this new product. She told me of the health benefits that customers were reporting Skinny Fiber was helping with and i was skeptical at first, like most people are. It is expensive and I am on a limited income but she told me i was worth it. So I saved and saved and finally got enough for my first bottle. When it arrived I was scared to try it but I had spent the money so the next day i started taking it and drinking the water ( at least trying to). Believe me it was very difficult to give up Pepsi but I did it in just over a week smile emoticon My first 90 day challenge didn't go quite like i planned. I wasn't consistent with it and at 1 point i was out of skinny fiber for a week. I did manage to lose 12 lbs and I'm very happy about that. Today is the first day of my second 90 day challenge and I'm determined to make this one work. I haven't looked back and I plan to keep on with it for the forseeable future

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